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A common misconception about camping is that it usually entails an uncomfortable night’s sleep.  In fact, sleeping in the outdoors can be quite cozy with the right gear.  Obviously, your choice of sleeping bag is important, but in my opinion, the right sleeping pad makes a massive difference as well.

Beyond comfort, sleeping pads actually serve a very important purpose in the cooler months.  When the ground is cold, it is basically just a giant heat sink.  Using a sleeping bag provides an effective insulation layer against this.  Without one, even while in a sleeping bag, the ground will steadily drain the heat from your body.  At the very least, this leads to an uncomfortably cold night, and a slow morning.  At most, this could mean hypothermia.


Sleeping pads, like every other piece of outdoor gear, can be expensive, but like a good pair of socks, this is one of those things that is completely worth buying.  That being said, I still think I got one of the best products on the market at a reasonable price-point.

Sea to Summit’s proprietary “Air Sprung Cells” distribute weight in a way that feels more like an actual mattress than most, if not all of it’s competitors.  I have only tried out a few kinds of sleeping pads in my life, but I must say this is definitely the most comfortable.

In addition to being comfortable, the 40 denier ripstop nylon fabric is is constructed from provides a solid balance between durability and weight (15.5oz for a regular).  It is still a smart idea to bring a repair kit.

It is inflatable, which is much better than the non-inflatable options out there in my opinion, but it only takes 8-12 breaths to inflate (according to the website, but it usually takes me only 5 or 6).

If you want to look at some other options, this article by Clever Hiker helped me a lot in learning about what is currently offered on the market.  So far, I feel like I went with the right choice.


Based on a size Regular

Weight: 15.5oz

Dimensions: 72″ x 21.5″ x 2″

Dimensions (packed) : 4″ x 9″

R-value: 3.3

Design: Tapered/Cells

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